Lower interest rate for car loans

Special offer until April 30, 2025.

Different financing models

Just one visit to the bank

Realize a loan for the purchase of a vehicle only with one visit to the Bank. You need to be a Magnifica client of the bank in order to apply for a car loan, and to have a permanent job.

As a Magnifica client, you can realize a loan on more favorable terms.

No collateral and comprehensive insurance

there is no obligation to take out comprehensive insurance or establish a pledge on the vehicle For loans up to 20,000 EUR. Also, we want you to know, if you are taking out comprehensive insurance, that the amount of the policy premium issued by the insurance company can be increased by the amount of the loan.

How much is the loan installment?

For a car that costs 15,000 EUR, the loan amount is 10,500 EUR, and for a repayment period of 84 months, the amount of the monthly installment is 153,85 EUR. You can find more information about the documentation in the document at the bottom of the page.

From whom are you buying car?

Price of the car

min. 0 EUR max. 0 EUR


Error in en for min down payment
0 - 0 -

Interest rate is fixed for this loan.

Rezultati kalkulacije su informativnog karaktera. Naknada za obradu kredita je uračunata u ukupan iznos koji korisnik treba da plati po kreditu. Detaljne informacije o kreditu možete pronaći u opisu i reprezentativnom primeru na dnu stranice.

  • Monthly installment
    • Loan amount - HRK
    • Monthly installment Fixed IR monthly annuity - EUR
    • Variable IR monthly annuity - EUR
    • Loan processing fee - EUR
    • Tenor - -
    • Total amount to repay - EUR
    • Interest rate Fixed interest rate - %
    • Variable interest rate - %
    • APRC - %
    • APRC - %
 Make an appointment magnifica advisor

Special personalized offer

Visit the nearest Banca Intesa branch and ask our advisors about special benefits created just for you.
Representative examples - Special offer until April 30, 2025.
