Money transfer - foreign transactions

Do you want to send or receive money, raise foreign currency pension, collect foreign checks?

More than 150 branch offices throughout Serbia and extremely developed correspondent network abroad provide fast, safe, and affordable foreign exchange transactions.

EUR Net online exchange office

EUR Net online exchange office

You can exchange euro to dinar or dinar to euro at more favourable EUR Net exchange rate directly from your mobile phone or computer.

More favourable Intesa exchange rate is just one click away if you use Banca Intesa mobile or electronic banking.

EUR Net is available with following payment accounts: Intesa Hit, Hit plus and Magnifica

Check out other advantages of using EUR Net online exhcange office:

Exchange rates updated serval times a day

In an attempt to provide the best possible terms, EUR Net exchange rates are updated several times a day.

Time saving

You don’t have to spend time comparing different exchange rates, because our online exchange office is always there to help you find better exchange rate just one click away.

Money transfer

Money transfer

We provide extremely fast and secure non-cash transfer of money, whether it is foreign exchange inflows for the benefit of our citizens or foreign currency payments to users abroad. Our most significant advantage is the availability provided by the broad network of our bank’s branch offices throughout the country, as well as highly developed correspondent network abroad.

By using receipt of funds from abroad as the most efficient and secure instrument of international payment transactions, funds from abroad are available to you on the most favourable terms and in the shortest possible time, and you can get instructions at all Bank counters or by calling our contact centre. We pay out funds from abroad in the currency in which the money was sent or in dinars, and you can also choose to convert to another currency. In this manner, you can receive monetary gift or assistance or inflow on another basis, with favourable commission.

Express to Family

Express to Family

Meet Express to Family, service intended for Italian or foreign citizens (natural persons) residing in Italy, which enables sending money to members of family, friends and acquaintances to countries where the member banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group operate.


In case of sending money in Serbia, in most cases money transfer is executed until the next business day** of the Bank upon the date of receiving the transfer order by the Bank and is paid to the receiver by making the payment onto the account of individual with Banca Intesa Beograd. The limit of payouts is EUR 5, 000 per transaction.


To use this service is easy: the Sender should go to the nearest branch belonging to Intesa Sanpaolo Group in Italy. If he / she does not have an account opened with any of member bank of Intesa Sanpaolo group in Italy, he / she can still use this service by executing a cash transaction. The Receiver in Serbia must have an account opened with Banca Intesa Beograd.

Cost –effective*:

Costs charged by the Bank in Italy, member of Intesa Sanpaolo Group for transfers up to EUR 5,000 (for payments from accounts): EUR 2.50

Costs charged by Banca Intesa Beograd for payments onto the account holder in the Bank: free of charge

For money transfer through Express to Family service, it is necessary to provide specific data to the Bank in Italy with a view of proper order execution: name, surname and address of the user, destination country, name and SWIFT of the user, IBAN (account number) of the user.

For all additional information and conditions about the Express to Family service, please consult the information paper available at the branches of member banks of Intesa Sanpaolo Group Italy in Italy.

Foreign currency pensions

Foreign currency pensions

We provide fast and secure payment of pensions to all persons who became entitled to a pension abroad. Payment of foreign currency pensions is carried out on the same or next day when the funds arrive in our bank, with a minimum commission. The pension may be raised in the currency in which it was received from abroad or in dinars.

Other foreign exchange activities

Other foreign exchange activities

Foreign checks

Through a wide correspondent network, we can collect all types of foreign checks (traveller, pension, bank, etc.) for foreign issuers with a favourable commission.

Exchange operations

Exchange operations include the purchase and sale of effective foreign currency without commission.

Additional information

By using loro remittances as the most efficient and secure instrument of international payment transactions, funds from abroad are available to you on the most favourable terms and in the shortest possible time, and you can get instructions at all Bank counters or by calling our contact centre.

* Cost-effectiveness of the ‘’Express to Family˝ service has been estimated relative to other services of sending money abroad offered by Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.

** Day when banks provide payment services in Italy and Serbia.
