Web portal for our suppliers - Portale Fornitori


For a large company such as Intesa Sanpaolo Group, the area of procurement is an important one. Social and environmental responsibility are among the leading criteria for managing impacts generated by the procurement of goods and services onto the company and the environment. Regarding this, the Bank intends to establish procurement systems which minimize such impacts and maintain control over the supply chain through cooperation with supplier associations and environmental organizations and human rights organizations.

Implementation of the said management models follows two directions of activity:

  1. the first one is mostly directed at its relations with suppliers, with strong emphasis on transparency, fairness and integrity of the manner of managing such relation. 
  2. the aspect of equality is not disregarded in order to provide equal chances to all key participants.

The leading principles of this approach originate from the principle established by the Code of Ethics, with which the suppliers are familiarized during application in the process of registration in the supplier register.

During 2013, a project for centralization of the Group's procurements was developed, initiated with the goal to unify the rules and implement a unique model for the members of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group. In that context, new "Procurement guidelines" and the accompanying "Rules of procurement" were prepared, which integrate the criteria of social and environmental responsibility and require all organizational units to take them into consideration during the procurement process.

In 2013, Intesa Sanpaolo Group participated in the following conferences, in the capacity of speaker:

  • „Green Paper & Office Supplies – Pubblico e Privato per un comune obiettivo“ (Green Paper & Office Supplies – Public and Private sectors for a common goal), 13 June – Milan
  • „360° Green Office – L’ambiente di lavoro sostenibile per la persona e per l’azienda“ (The sustainable workplace for the individual and for the company". Speech: Green Office – Energy Efficiency for well-being at work and for being sustainable), 18 October – Milan
  • A & S Mobility & Travel Day 2013, 15 November – Milan.

By complying with the rules of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, Banca Intesa a. d. Beograd implemented the new model of functioning of the procurement centralization by introducing two new applicative systems SAP R/3 and the Supplier Portal – Portale Fornitori. In this manner, the business processes within the parent Intesa Sanpaolo Group are in compliance.

Supplier Portal – Portale Fornitori

The supplier portal initiated by Intesa Sanpaolo Group in 2010 provides an overview of the entire procurement process. Starting from January 2015, Banca Intesa a. d. Beograd will be able to join this work model.

Apart from the centralized Supplier List, the Supplier Portal includes an area dedicated to online procurements, an area for communication with suppliers and an area for archiving documents. The module for managing accounting communications was created and it enables suppliers to see the data related to purchase orders, invoices, and payments.

With the purpose of better understanding of suppliers and their sustainability policies, for all suppliers, during the online registration process, there are questions regarding social and environmental responsibility. After successfully performed registration and providing necessary answers, the Bank will have an insight into the status of the social responsibility of registered companies. The Supplier Portal ensures an online procurement system: the registration applicant is required to register online, where, if they are invited to participate in the tender, they may monitor all phases of the process transparently.

Thanks to the elimination of paper correspondence and documents, we are able to reduce our negative environmental impact. Intesa Sanpaolo Group directs its suppliers towards the best practice for gradual adjustment of the product catalogue, which ensures the introduction of "green" products.

How to access Portale Fornitori

Web portal for suppliers

Click on the link below.