Safer together

Insurance in Banca Intesa with Magnifica

Provide additional security for yourself, your family, home and property

In cooperation with our partner – Generali osiguranje, we present our extensive offer of life and non-life insurance. In most of the Bank’s branches, you can contract any of the insurance policies from the offer, whether it is an insurance related to a loan or not.

Endowment insurance

Life insurance and savings in one.
  • Financial stability for your loved ones
  • Tailored to your needs
  • Safe long-term savings
kasko osiguranje banca intesa generali wiener


Plan a secure future for yourself and your family today, with Multilav life insurance, which we have selected for you from the Generali insurance offer.
  • You can contract Multilav life insurance
  • Contract in our branch
  • Choose one of the 4 Multilav insurance packages
multilav osiguranje generali bancaintesa magnifica

Risk life insurance

Life insurance of the loan user.
  • You can arrange insurance with any loan
  • Duration of the risk insurance is equal to the duration of the loan
  • In case of death, the loan debt is covered by insurance
Osiguranje života korisnika kredita wiener generali osiguranje

Credit protection insurance (CPI)

It is possible to contract a CPI policy both with new and loans in repayment, and the insured period is equal with the loan duration.
  • Without filling out a medical questionnaire
  • You can arrange insurance with a new or existing loan
  • Protection for you and your loved ones in unwanted circumstances
Osiguranje otplate gotovinskih i kredita za refinansiranje

Medica Perfecta health insurance

Voluntary health insurance that provides the expert opinion of the world's best doctors and the most modern treatment.
  • Possibility of treatment abroad
  • Consultations with top doctors on diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Organization of first-class medical care and treatment
banca intesa medica perfecta zdravstveno osiguranje

Home insurance

In order to respond to market demands, especially because of mortgage loans, the household insurance product was created.
  • Quick payment of damages in the event of an insured event
  • Insurance against numerous unwanted risks (lightning strike, fire...)
  • Different insurance packages according to your needs
Wiener Städtische generali banca intesa osiguranje

International travel insurance

Travel insurance provides efficient and professional assistance in emergencies that may befall you and your loved ones on the road or during your stay abroad.
  • Assistance in unwanted circumstances
  • Quick and easy contracting
  • You are insured in case of accidents and illness on the trip
putno osiguranje banca intesa generali wiener

Casco insurance

Car insurance is motor vehicle insurance, which helps you eliminate the consequences of damage to your vehicle and return your car to its previous state.
  • Road and parking safety
  • Comprehensive vehicle protection against damage
  • For your new or existing car
kasko osiguranje banca intesa generali wiener