Loans for legal entities

WB EDIF program

Loans for working capital and investments within the WB EDIF Guarantee 4SME Resilience program.
banca intesa wb edif program eif kredit

EBRD Go Green

In July 2024, Banca Intesa ad Beograd and the EBRD signed an agreement on the use of a new credit line in the amount of EUR 15,000,000.
banca intesa ebrd go green

KfW Green credit line

KfV credit line for energy efficiency and environmental protection is aimed at financing investments to improve the efficiency of the use of natural resources.
kfw energetska efikasnost zastita okoline banca intesa krediti

DFC Program

DFC loan funds are intended for micro, small and medium enterprises, and can be used for investments and working capital.
dfc program krediti investicije banca intesa obrtna sredtva

KfW credit line for rural development

It is intended for investments in rural parts of Serbia. The loan can be used for investments in fixed assets and working capital related to the investment.
kfw krediti banca intesa ruralni razvoj investicija

EIB Credit Line

Long-term loans for different purposes, at very favourable terms, in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB).
eib kreditna linija za privredu evropska investiciona banka

Credit line

This specially created line is the right solution for you if your company has frequent need of short-term loans, guarantees or letters of credit.
banca intesa kreditna linija za privredu pravna lica

Long-term loans

With long-term loans we have in our offer, we provide financial support to your development, long-term investments and investment projects.
banca intesa dugorocni krediti za privredu i pravna lica ulaganja i investicije za vasu kompaniju

Short-term loans

We recognize the dynamic nature of your business and we offer you various loan types for a 12month period, within a short time period, at very favorable terms.
banca intesa kratkorocni krediti za privredu i pravna lica do 12 meseci rok otplate