Broker-dealer activities

Investment services

Guided by the concept of universal banking, Banca Intesa ad Beograd as a credit institution that has a license to operate from the National Bank of Serbia in accordance with the Law on Banks (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 107/2005, 91/2010 and 14/2015) with all possible subsequent amendments and the permission of the Securities Commission to provide investment and ancillary services and perform investment activities in accordance with the Law on the Capital Market (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 129/2021) is able to provide you with complete service in the area of your business goals in Serbia – the opening and managing your property and money accounts as well as intermediation on domestic financial market.

As a member of Belgrade Stock Exchange and Central securities, depository and clearing house as well as authorized participant on primary auctions organized by Public Debt Administration of Republic Serbia, we are in position to offer you intermediation services on both primary and secondary market.

Our greatest asset is the trust of our Clients. This is why we provide full attention and are committed to finding a solution that suits them best.

You should also know this...

Within the Banca Intesa a.d. Beograd, Customer Execution Office is a special organizational part itended for the performance of investment services and activities previously approved by Securities Commission.

The investment services mentioned above include the following investment services and, activities of the Bank from Article 2 of the Law:

  • recept and transfer of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments and order execution on behalf of Client (“broker services”);
  • dealing on own account (“dealer operations”);
  • underwriting in relation to financial instruments, i.e., implementation of the procedure of offering financial instruments with redemption obligation (“Underwriting Services”);
  • implementation of the procedure of offering financial instruments without redemption obligation (“Agent Services”);

Ancillary services performed by the Bank in accordance with the provisions of the Law are:

  • custody and management of financial instruments for the Client’s account (custody services) and related services, such as administration of funds and collateral, with the exception of maintaining and keeping securities accounts under the competence of the CSD;
  • granting loans to Clients for the purpose of concluding a transaction with one or more financial instruments when the Bank grants the loan and is involved in the transaction;
  • Foreign currency conversion services in relation to the provision of the investment services;
  • research and financial analysis in the investment field or other forms of general recommendations regarding transactions in financial instruments;
  • services related to underwriting;
  • investment services and activities, as well as additional services related to derivative financial instrument basis under Article 2, paragraph 1, item 19)  subparagraph 5, 6, 7 and 10 of the Law, related to the provision of investment or ancillary services;

For any further information, please refer to Business Rules in providing investment services (under section Documents).

Financial market analysis

Financial market analysis

Information/analysis from domestic and international financial markets are available to the Bank’s clients.

At your disposal are daily and weekly reports from financial markets (of cash, capital, etc.), which are available upon submitting a request to the email address or by visiting the bank’s website.

With us, you can always find information and answers related to securities, money market, capital market, etc.


Phone.: +381 11 2013617

Fax: +381 11 2011260



Useful information

Useful information

Clients can issue trading orders:

  • directly to the Customer Execution Office: Monday – Friday, 8:30h-16:30h
  • branch officies of Banca Intesa a.d. Beograd authorised for receipt of orders, according to the following list; Monday - Friday within the working hours of the authorized branch.

List of authorized branches for receiving orders you can find in section "Documents"

Trading data:


Customer Execution Office , Contact

Address: Milentija Popovića 7b, 11070 Novi Beograd



+381 11 201 3610

+381 11 201 3622

+381 11 201 3621

+381 11 201 3613

We inform you that Banca Intesa ad Beograd is a member of Investor Protection Fund, which is organized and managed by the Deposit Insurance Agency, and that on October 8, 2022. the new Rulebook on the Protection of Small Investors entered into force (Official Gazette of RS No. 110/2022), which regulates the system for the protection of small investors, i.e. membership in the Fund, contributions, recognition, calculation and payment of protected claims, as well as other activities related to the protection of small investor clients of Fund members.
