Insurance for you and your family

You want to feel secure no matter where you go?

Kasko osiguranje

Pruža vam zaštitu od oštećenja ili potpunog uništenja vozila

Putujte bezbrižno

Polisa Međunarodnog putnog osiguranja tokom boravka izvan zemlje

Riziko životno osiguranje

Osiguranje života korisnika kredita

Štedno životno osiguranje

Obezbedite budućnost porodice bez početnog kapitala ili ušteđevine

Osiguranje domaćinstva

Sigurna zaštita vaše imovine u njenoj stvarnoj vrednosti

For your peaceful sleep

In cooperation with our partners Generali osiguranje and Wiener Städtische osiguranje, we present our extensive offer of Life and Non-Life Insurance. In a large number of the Banca Intesa branches, you can conclude any of the insurance policies from the offer, whether it is an insurance related to a loan or not.

For any type of insurance you are interested in, contact your Magnifica advisor who will instruct you in all details of our offer.

Mixed Life Insurance banca intesa

Mixed Life Insurance

The world around us is changing rapidly, and the risks to health and life are increasing.
Housing insurance

Housing insurance

You have the opportunity to ensure financial support in the event of sudden events that may endanger your property.
Risk life insurance

Risk life insurance

This insurance is used exclusively to secure your loan.
Casco insurance

Casco insurance

Casco insurance is motor vehicle insurance, which helps you eliminate the consequences of damage to your vehicle.
International travel insurance banca intesa

International travel insurance

Efficient and professional assistance in sudden situations that may happen to you on the road or during your stay abroad.