Risk life insurance

Protect your loved ones

In case of death, the loan debt is covered by insurance

Safety for the whole family

You can arrange insurance with any loan

Low premium for high sum insured

Duration of the risk insurance is equal to the duration of the loan

Risk life insurance

You can arrange risk insurance with any loan, new or the one you are already repaying, and it is especially recommended for housing loans with a longer repayment period.

In this way, you protect your loved ones from financial difficulties, because if unwanted events occur and the insured event occurs, the insurance company covers the rest of the loan debt and relieves the family of the obligation to pay further loan installments.

Characteristics of risk insurance:

  • It provides great coverage with an affordable premium,
  • Insured risk of death and risk of death due to accident,
  • The duration of the risk insurance is equal to the duration of the loan agreement,
  • Currency clause of risk insurance - premium and sum insured are expressed in euros,
  • The insured sum is paid out only in the event of the insured's death during the duration of the insurance contract,
  • No savings component,
  • The sums insured are aligned with the annuity plan so that they are always equal to the remaining loan debt.

Depending on the sum insured and the age of the insured, it may be necessary for the insured to undergo a medical examination before taking out the insurance.

It is important for you to know

You can pay the premium according to your needs - monthly or annually. Insurance can be contracted by persons of 18 years of age, and the end of the insured period cannot be after the insured reaches 70 years of age.

You are interested in insurance?

Fill out the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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    Popunjavanjem i slanjem kontakt forme, saglašavate se sa Politikom privatnosti i Uslovima korišćenja vebsajta Banca Intesa. Saznajte više


    Find out in which branches you can contract an insurance policy.


    banca intsa insurance


    Understand insurance terms and products to help you make important life decisions.

    Banca Intesa as a representative, in cooperation with Generali osiguranje, offers the possibility of contracting insurance. Before signing the contract, read the product information and insurance conditions.
