Push notifications
Via the Notifications option, set the type of notification you need to monitor daily finances.
Some of the most important ones are:
- Notifications on payment account inflows
- Notifications on payment account outflows
- Order status notifications
Apart from these, you can also activate other types of notifications related to loans, payment cards, savings accounts and many other of the Bank's products.
Za korišćenje naših SMS usluga dovoljno je da prijavite broj svog mobilnog telefona u najbližoj ekspozituri Banke i SMS obaveštenja će vam automatski biti na raspolaganju.
SMS za proveru stanja po računima, platnim karticama i kursnoj listi, možete poslati na broj 1500.
E-mail notifications
E-mail notifications
There are many advantages of receiving a monthly balance by e-mail:
- Monthly balances can be activated and saved in electronic form, which enables more efficient monitoring of spending and better management of available funds,
- Faster and easier insight into credit card transactions and balance.
The data and the appearance of the credit card monthly balance which is sent by e-mail are identical to the balance received by mail at your home address.
In order to receive your credit card balance on your e-mail address, you need to register your e-mail address at any Banca Intesa branch and request activation of this service.