Frequently asked questions

What is required to open a payment account and what services are available to me?

You can open an Intesa Hit payment account with an ID card by coming to the nearest Banca Intesa branch. When using this payment account, you are provided with a range of benefits such as the most favourable euro exchange rate, American Express Blue or Mastercard credit card, for which you do not pay fees, allowed overdraft, Banca Intesa mobile and electronic banking, SMS notifications, cheques, supplementary health insurance. If you wish, you can open a standing account, by which the Bank transfers funds directly from your payment account every month and pays your monthly bills for electricity, telephone and utilities without commission. You can read more about all benefits in the section Retail / Payment accounts.

I am staying abroad. How can I deposit money into a foreign currency account in your bank?

Non-cash transfer of money from abroad to an account at our bank can be done by receiving cash funds from abroad. The following should be specified on the instruction for transfer of money from abroad: name and last name of the remittance beneficiary, address of the remittance beneficiary and account number in the IBAN format. The remittance beneficiary should contact the bank and receive an instruction to be sent to the ordering party.

How can I send money abroad?

Non-cash transfer of money abroad can be done by non-cash transfer of funds. You fill in the order at the branch office based on the payment instructions, i.e. invoice, if you are paying for goods or services abroad. Payment fee for non-cash transfer of funds abroad is charged in line with the applicable pricelist of the Bank. When making any type of payment based on invoice, you bear the cost of the foreign bank, and when paying a natural person on other grounds defined in accordance with legal regulations, you choose whether you will bear the cost of the foreign bank (through which the transaction is performed), additional fee is charged in accordance with the Banks pricelist. You need to have an open foreign currency account to which you pay the money you send in case of transfer. You can open a foreign currency account at the nearest branch of the Bank.

Can I apply for a loan at your bank even though I do not have an open payment account with you?

Although you do not receive earnings through a payment account at our bank, you can apply for cash and car loans at our bank.

I have an open payment account with you and I am interested in a car loan. Which loan could I take out for this purpose?

In the offer of loans at our bank there are loan models for purchasing new and used cars.
You can see all elements of these loan models and other loans from our offer on our website in the section Retail/Loans.

What are the features of the Intesa Online account?

  • Submission of applications for cash loans, credit cards and allowed overdrafts, as well as realization of cash loans and allowed overdrafts up to RSD 600,000 without going to the branch,
  • Blocking/unblocking/reissuing cards and managing consumption limits for each card, per consumption channel POS, ATM or Internet,
  • Activation/deactivation of SMS and e-mail notifications, and sending Confirmations of payments to your home address,
  • Activation/deactivation of Intesa Mobi
  • Managing personal finances,
  • Printing of payment account transactions, credit card statements and receipts of executed payments,
  • Overview of the most attractive offer for the client from the Product Catalogue,
  • Change of personal data: mailing addresses, landline numbers and email addresses and
  • Advisor assistance at any time web chat or video chat (Online advisor is available from 8 AM to 9 PM on weekdays and from 9 AM to 2 PM on Saturdays).