SMS One-time password

Why one-time password by SMS?


The highest level of protection provided for electronic payment


Authorize your transactions in only a few seconds


Always available in just a few steps

Make safe online payments

In an attempt to offer you additional safety and comfort within our services, but also to make online transactions more simple and safe, we apply the latest technologies and the highest safety standards.

For online payments made at the retail outlets with specified label Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode, you have the possibility, besides the new method of protection, to confirm the online payment via one-time password received for each transaction by SMS to your mobile phone number.

Plaćajte sigurno i jednostavno na internetu
First step

First step

Upon the entry of data about the card with which you want to make payment, the additional screen appears for the selection of payment confirmation method. With the selection of any field, you choose the confirmation method SMS OTP.

Second step

Second step

With the choice of SMS OTP, SMS with one-time password will be forwarded automatically to the mobile phone number verified at the Bank. The password is valid for 120 seconds since the message launch. If the password is not entered within the specified interval, you can request a new by SMS, with the touch of appropriate button.

Third step

Third step

You should enter the password received from one-time message into the data entry field. If an invalid password is entered, information will appear on the screen that the entered data is incorrect. In that case check whether you have entered the correct password, or you can request a new SMS in addition.

One-time password
Password duration
Password can be used for a single payment within 120 seconds.
Sending two consecutive
Between the two requests there should be a 30 second-pause.
Incorrect password entry
After three incorrect password entries, payments will be disabled for

After three incorrect password entries, every incorrect entry will block payments for another 60 minutes. In case an incorrect password is entered 9 consecutive times, the account will be blocked. In that case you should call the Contact Centre at Banca Intesa to the number 011 30 10 160.
