Press release

Three years ago Banca Intesa Beograd implemented the MasterCard in Serbia. For only three years excellent results have been achieved. Until now Banca Intesa Beograd issued 320 000 payment cards and more than 250.000 are MasterCard payment cards, out of which 100.000 are credit cards – Maestro deferred and MasterCard revolving cards. The leading position of Banca Intesa Beograd at the domestic market also confirms the fact that more than 90°% of the turnover with Master cards performed through Banca Intesa Beograd, which also has the widest network of 7.000 P.O.S. which accept Master cards (and other brands like Visa, Dina)and also 80 ATMs. Thanks to the great results until now and the improvement of the future cooperation, a Contract in which Master Card will support the activity of Banca Intesa Beograd in the future five years has been signed. Banca Intesa Beograd will start issuing the EMV “chip” MasterCard first at the market, which provides better security and reduces fraud in payment operations.

Three years ago Banca Intesa Beograd implemented the MasterCard in Serbia. For only three years excellent results have been achieved. Until now Banca Intesa Beograd issued 320 000 payment cards and more than 250.000 are MasterCard payment cards, out of which 100.000 are credit cards – Maestro deferred and MasterCard revolving cards. The leading position of Banca Intesa Beograd at the domestic market also confirms the fact that more than 90°% of the turnover with Master cards performed through Banca Intesa Beograd, which also has the widest network of 7.000 P.O.S. which accept Master cards (and other brands like Visa, Dina)and also 80 ATMs. Thanks to the great results until now and the improvement of the future cooperation, a Contract in which Master Card will support the activity of Banca Intesa Beograd in the future five years has been signed. Banca Intesa Beograd will start issuing the EMV “chip” MasterCard first at the market, which provides better security and reduces fraud in payment operations.


Concerning the increase of interest for payment cards , after the abolition of check with deferred payment has been announced , in order to make payment cards more accessible Banca Intesa Beograd implements more favorable conditions for issuing payment cards. In that aim the minimal mounthly instolment will be reduced on 10 % from the entire amount of transactions performed during that month, which means that the term of crediting will be extended up to 12 months, and it is valid for every revolving card of Banca Intesa Beograd.

Innovation for the clients of Banca Intesa Beograd which have a clean credit history is issuing of payment cards without deposit. Maestro with deferred payment is the most effective replacement for checks in every day payments, because it provides a 90 days deferred payment in Maxi supermarkets and deferred payment in every other point of sale which accept Master Card. With Master Card Standard and Gold you have special conveniences - Europe Assistance card for international insurance which provides easier and cheaper receiving visas, and also the health insurance with assistance during the staying abroad and that’s the reason why are these cards very popular in the period of holidays and are very convenient for the bigger purchases. MasterCard Standard can get free of charge on one year in addition to the life insurance policy of Delta life. Visa electron is intended to the clients with F/X incomes and on the occasion of accounting of dinars consumption ,applies the stimulating exchange rate of Banca Intesa Beograd.

Banca Intesa Beograd offers a wide range of credit cards: MasterCard (Standard, Red Star MasterCard Standard, and Gold) and Visa (Classic and Gold) on its counters. Both, physical and legal entities may obtain credit cards. Credit cards of Banca Intesa Beograd provide payment of goods and services, and also the withdrawal of cash in the country and abroad, and the total consumption is divided on 12 monthly instolments , so in that way those cards represent universal consumption and cash loan. Thanks to the developed electronic service for physical entities –Banca Intesa Beograd On -line, user of the credit card may have the insight in its state of account and of the payment cards, and recently the possibility to perform payments through this service has been implemented and as an additional functionality of system the settlement of obligations of credit cards ,both dinars and F/X (Master and VISA) is enabled.

During the last month Banca Intesa Beograd implemented 500 new POS terminals and five new ATMs .On the territory of Belgrade from the last monththe users of credit cards can withdraw the cash even in the supermarkets Maxi in Dragica Koncar street number 33a and street Nehruova number 61a, and also in the new opened hotel „Šumadija“ in street Šumadijski trg number 8. New ATMs have also in Kruševac in the street Radomir Jakovljevic nn,and the new opened supermarket a u Maxi and also Smederevska palanka in the new branch of Banca Intesa Beograd in the street Prvog srpskog ustanka number 154.

Dejan Tešiæ,- Assistant Director General of Banca Intesa Beograd and Manuel Alexe, Vice-President of Master Card spoke on the conference and Manuel Alexe emphasized that in three years Banca Intesa Beograd had achieved the same result with Master Cards as the other countries in the surrounding for ten years and that the payment cards market in Serbia has a faster development than other countries in the surrounding.
