Banca Intesa takes over part of ProCredit Bank loan portfolio

Banca Intesa has completed the acquisition of a part of ProCredit Bank loan portfolio in line with its strategy of dynamic and sustainable business growth in the segments of private individuals and small business.

Banca Intesa has completed the acquisition of a part of ProCredit Bank loan portfolio in line with its strategy of dynamic and sustainable business growth in the segments of private individuals and small business.

A business agreement between Banca Intesa and ProCredit Bank on the acquisition of the portfolio containing loans disbursed to entrepreneurs and legal entities in the small business segment, registered farming households and private individuals has been conducted in line with regulations in force and will contribute to the further consolidation of the domestic banking sector. At the same time, the transaction once again confirms that Banca Intesa’s parent company, international banking group Intesa Sanpaolo, is dedicated to the Serbian market in the long run and committed to strengthening its business in the country.

Client obligations stemming from the acquired loans will not be changed and will remain as defined when loan agreements were made at ProCredit Banka. All clients have been informed timely about the further settlement of their loan obligations, as well as about the complete offer of Banca Intesa.

Banca Intesa has been holding the leading position in the Serbian market by all key performance indicators for more than ten years. At the end of November 2017, the bank had a 16.2 percent market share in total assets of the banking sector, a 15.2 percent share in total loans and 19.4 percent in total customer deposits.

Banca Intesa operates a developed network comprising 158 branch offices strategically located across the country and has a base of 1.4 million customers in the segments of private individuals, entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises, local governments and large companies which it offers a comprehensive offer of modern products and top-quality service.
