DinaCard debit card for individuals and legal entities

Pursuant to the Law on Interchange Fees and Special Operating Rules for Card-Based Payment Transactions, as of August 17, 2018, Banca Intesa shall start issuing DinaCard debit cards free-of-charge to individual current account holders, and Dina Business debit card for legal entities, which can be used for performing transactions domestically.

Pursuant to the Law on Interchange Fees and Special Operating Rules for Card-Based Payment Transactions, as of August 17, 2018, Banca Intesa shall start issuing DinaCard debit cards free-of-charge to individual current account holders, and Dina Business debit card for legal entities, which can be used for performing transactions domestically. The Bank will be issuing and re-issuing debit cards of other brands which can be used in the country and abroad at a written request of clients, after first issuing DinaCard, or Dina Business debit cards.

Debit cards issued by August 16, 2018, shall be valid until their expiry date, which is imprinted on the card. When extending the expiry date of the debit cards, starting from August 17, 2018, users of debit cards shall be issued a DinaCard debit card or a Dina Business debit card free of charge, and users can submit a written request to be issued a debit card of another brand.

In accordance with the aforementioned, Banca Intesa adjusted its General Operating Terms and Conditions for Payment Accounts and Payment Services for Users and General Operating Terms and Conditions for Debit Cards for Individuals, as well as General Operating Terms and Conditions For Payment Accounts and Payment Services for Legal Entities and Entrepreneurs and General Operating Terms and Conditions for Business Debit Cards for Legal Entities and Entrepreneurs, which are available to clients in all branches of the Bank, as well as the internet website www.bancaintesa.rs.
