With Bambino Friends on a Safari

With the aim of stimulating children’s savings, enabling the parents to, in accordance with their means, save money for a better future for their offspring and encourage them to teach their children from a young age to save, Banca Intesa will reward all children’s savings deposited until 30th June for a fixed, 12 month period with a promotional interest rate of 5.8% at an annual level. In addition to this, together with every Bambino savings account, Banca Intesa presents the youngest savers with tickets to the zoo in Belgrade or Palić.

This is in order to turn the zoo visit into an unforgettable event, since every Saturday and Sunday in June from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm the bank organizes a Safari party in Belgrade Zoo. In this way young children have the opportunity of learning about the animals inhabiting the zoo through games and riddle solving, and Banca Intesa rewards them with Bambino gifts.

Bambino accounts, which can be dinar or fx can be opened for children by their parents or legal guardians. Minimum payment when opening the account amounts to RSD 1,000 for the dinar part, whereas for the fx account an initial payment is not compulsory. Once the Bambino savings account has been opened, all subsequent payments can be made at any time and in any amount. Only parents or guardians may make payments to the fx part of the account. However, grandparents, relatives or friends are allowed to deposit money to the dinar part, and the assets will automatically be converted, i.e. transferred into euros at the most favourable exchange rate, preserving the value of money in this way. The money can be deposited in cash into any Banca Intesa branch, by a transfer from any dinar account in the country or a standing order. Interest rates for Intesa Bambino savings are in the amount of up to 7 percent at the annual level, depending on the time deposit period, which may range from six months to 17 years.
