Competition for ‘’Blic entrepreneur 2010“ opened

Banca Intesa and Blic daily newspaper announced the beginning of the unique campaign for the election of the best entrepreneur in Serbia in the segment of small and middle size enterprises – ‘’Blic entrepreneur 2010“. The basic criteria for the election of the best entrepreneur in the current year will be profitability, productivity and company liquidity, and the advantage will be given to those companies whose business policy is characterized by innovation in creating products.

As it was the case last three years, Banca Intesa will award EUR 30 000 to the best entrepreneur, which according to the established rules of competition must be used with specific purpose for the improvement of the current and investment into new business.

Blic daily newspaper will present all the 50 companies throughout December 2010 and January 2011, which according to the jury’s decision will be put among the most successful; and till the completion of the campaign, the jury members will visit all the companies competing for the best in 2010 that have been placed among 10 according to all criteria. After the completion, the official announcement of ‘’Blic entrepreneur 2010’’ will be held at the beginning of the next year.

The ‘’Blic entrepreneur” campaign was launched in 2007 by Banca Intesa and Blic daily newspaper recognizing the importance the entrepreneurship has on the overall economic development in the country. This way the best entrepreneurs in Serbia have opportunity to assert and present themselves in their strive to fight not only for the official recognition of their results but for financial support in further development plans.
