The Place I Love

At the press conference held on 26th May in the “Progres” gallery Banca Intesa announced the launch of the project “The Place I Love”- the listing of localities of special significance for the local community and the restoration of a minimum of 3 buildings or environmental units that win the contest. The Project is being carried out with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the non-profit organization Europa Nostra Serbia and the Republic Office for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Apart from the creation of a database on places of special importance for the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and the restoration or the development of places, local sights or buildings of cultural and historical importance, the aim of the project is also to educate wider public and raise its awareness of the importance and value of cultural and historical heritage.

The project comprises three phases. During the first phase, which will last until 30th September of this year, citizens will have the chance to nominate the place they love via the website, facebook page, the bank’s contact centre, and specially designed cards in Banca Intesa branches, or by sending a photo to the email address: In the second phase of the project the members of expert jury will create a list of ten most relevant localities for which citizens will be able to vote until 30th November this year. It has been envisaged that during 2012 Banca Intesa restores at least three most voted places by using its own funds.

The non-profit project “The Place I Love” has been inspired by the initiative “I luoghi del cuore“(Place in your Heart), which is carried out in Italy by the non-profit organization FAI with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo.
