Loans for purchase of agricultural land

Banca Intesa in cooperation with EFSE (European Fund for South-East Europe) included in its offer intended for registered farmers new loans for the purchase of agricultural land. All registered agricultural economies from the territory of the Republic of Serbia which open a specific-purpose agricultural account in Banca Intesa are eligible for this type of borrowing. Loans will be approved up to EUR 100.000, in dinar counter value according to the NBS middle exchange rate ruling on the date of the loan realization, with the interest at 8.5 % + 6M EURIBOR and maximum tenor of 120 months. Subject of financing can be any agricultural land provided that the loan beneficiary has already in possession an area of agricultural land larger than the area to be financed.

Banca Intesa is the first on the domestic market to provide the credit line from foreign sources for the purchase of land, exclusively intended to registered agricultural economies to enable flexibility in terms of partial use of approved facilities. That actually means that after the approval, the facilities will be at client’s disposal for the period of the following 6 months on several occasions, i.e. when needed, without the need to file the loan approval procedure again, all under the umbrella of the initially granted limit.
