Intesa Vita programme for healthcare services financing

Banca Intesa has developed an innovative loan programme with a range of consumer and cash loans called Intesa Vita. Regardless of whether they are clients of Banca Intesa or not, the Bank is offering to all interested citizens, on equal and exceptionally favourable terms, loans for in vitro fertilisation, loans for stem cell storage, loans for DNA analysis and loans for dental services.

All of the these loan models are available as consumer loans while for in vitro fertilisation and stem cell storage Banca Intesa is also providing cash loans to cover all the additional expenses. In addition, Banca Intesa is also offering consumer loans for baby equipment purchase to citizens on the same terms as Intesa Vita consumer loans.

„By developing socially responsible products and services, Banca Intesa intends to contribute to the creation of a better living and working environment in Serbia. Intesa Vita is a concept which enables citizens to conveniently finance some of the most important life plans thanks to innovative partnerships we have concluded with specialised healthcare institutions. The programme is to be intended as an open platform which will gradually include new products and partnerships in order to widen the offer and to proactively capture the upcoming needs of our customers.“ said Riccardo Parasporo, Executive Board member and Head of Retail Division Banca Intesa
