Incomparable American Express Blue credit card

Apart from unique design American Express Blue offers to the users a possibility of flexible payment, top-quality protection during online purchase, as well as series of additional privileges

Apart from unique design American Express Blue offers to the users a possibility of flexible payment, top-quality protection during online purchase, as well as series of additional privileges

In Zara store Banca Intesa presented a new credit card from the American Express family – American Express Blue. With the best combination of form and functionality, an innovative credit card has a modern design which was not seen before on the Serbian market. That is why it is intended for young and urban clients who know to appreciate real values, and at the same time expect financial flexibility and top-quality service. First American Express Blue credit card was given to Gordan Kičić.

Blue flexible payment

American Express Blue credit card provides flexible payments on instalments in 200 countries, in a few million points of sale, cash withdrawal, as well as payment via Internet. The card functions on the revolving basis implying that at least 3 percentage of the total expenditure from the previous period shall be settled. An interest shall be paid only on the remainder of the unsettled debt, with a possibility of interest-free utilization of Bank’s funds in the period of 45 days. In case a client settles entire debit from the previous period, an interest shall not be calculated. Following effectuated payment credit floating capital shall be increased for the amount of paid funds.
A minimal monthly salary necessary for the card application is 7.800 RSD, an interest rate in promotional period of the first six months shall amount 1,5% for dinar currency and 0,9% for euro currency, whereas later it will amount 2,00% for dinar currency and 1,25% for euro currency. 
A special advantage is also represented by the fact that all users that shall submit an application until the end of 2007, obtain American Express Blue card and in the course of one year from the card activation spend at least 300 EUR, will be exempted from paying membership fee for the first year of utilization.

Blue innovations

Apart from its unique design this card enables a completely safe surfing and Internet purchase. So-called ID Keeper Blue package represents an exclusive service included with American Express Blue card, thanks to which users can safely access to the web sites requiring registration of personal data (name, surname, address, user name, password and PIN). After the first access to the web page, all data shall be entered in the chip mounted on the card through smart card reader. Access to the data filed in the chip shall be enabled only after entering PIN, wherewith a utilization safety is achieved.      
In case the card is misused during Internet purchase, costs of the misuse shall not be beard by a card user.

Blue additional services

Banca Intesa provides all users of American Express Blue credit card with the list of effectuated transactions and available balance through On-line system of Banca Intesa, and User services are available as well, 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Selects program enables to the card users discounts and special offers in a large number of stores, restaurants, spa centres, both in the country and abroad, as well as more favourable conditions when using services of American Express tourist agency in Belgrade. 

Dejan Tešić, member of the Executive Board of Banca Intesa stated: „Banca Intesa is a leading bank in the payment cards business operations on our market, in the sense of business and technology as well. In the course of last 5 years over million payment cards were issued, and the bank was leading also regarding introduction of technological innovations, therefore our clients were the first to have chip cards in the Balkans. Last May, when American Express, thanks to the exclusive cooperation with Banca Intesa, returned to the Serbian market, more than 10.000 cards were issued, which represents quite a good result. American Express is recognized worldwide as a prestige and status symbol, and cards from this program are very well accepted among wealthier clients. We expect that American Express Blue will be accepted and popular in the same way among younger population and among all people who like to be different.“

According to Pascal Guignard, Vice President & General Manager, New Business Partnerships American Express, card payment has become an integral part of everyday life and apart from being a manner of payment, payment card had already become an integral part of the lifestyle. 

„Unique design, characteristics and benefits of American Express Blue cards will perfectly fit in the modern life style of its users”, said Guignard and added his hopes that American Express Blue will achieve a great success in Serbia, as it was case on other markets on which it has already been introduced.   
