Banca Intesa at the Finmar

At the this year’s sixth International Financial Fair „Finmar“, Banca Intesa Beograd presented its offer within the scope of financing the development of small business and entrepreneurship in cooperation with the local self-administration and the Guarantee Fund of the autonomous region Vojvodina.

At the this year’s sixth International Financial Fair „Finmar“, Banca Intesa Beograd presented its offer within the scope of financing the development of small business and entrepreneurship in cooperation with the local self-administration and the Guarantee Fund of the autonomous region Vojvodina.

Thanks to the previous successful cooperation with local self-administration, Banca Intesa Beograd initiated the joint financing of the entrepreneurship development. In communities, it has a signed agreement on cooperation with, the Bank approves loans to small business which are very favourable thanks to the subventions of the local self-administration.

With the total placements amounting to 33 million euro, Banca Intesa is the leading Bank in the country in financing of local self-administration. More than 50 communities in Serbia are clients of Banca Intesa Beograd. Thanks to the credit line in the amount of 60 million euro obtained from the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) in December last year, Banca Intesa has the opportunity to offer very competitive conditions for financing local self-administration. These loans are intended for the financing of the construction and renovation of educational and health infrastructure, then for the modernization of the less developed rural areas, realization of projects in the field of the environmental protection, as well as for the protection of the cultural and historical heritage.

In cooperation with the regional institutions – Development Fund and Guarantee Fund of the autonomous region Vojvodina, Banca Intesa Beograd offered financial support to business subjects in those activities which are of importance for the further development of Vojvodina – including also the agrarian sector, through short-term and long-term financing (crediting of the procurement of artificial fertilizers, purchase of agricultural machines, export projects etc.).

All over the world Banca Intesa cherishes the reputation of a bank that recognizes the importance of entrepreneurship and spurs its development. Banca Intesa Beograd offered its services to the Small Business sector in Serbia in January 2006. Today it serves more than 45.000 small enterprises and entrepreneurs out of which 10.000 are at the territory of Vojvodina.
