Banca Intesa launches Tech the Bank competition

Banca Intesa launches Tech the Bank competition and awards the most creative digital solutions

About the competition

Banca Intesa, part of Intesa Sanpaolo Group in cooperation with its partner in this project Visa, is launching a competition titled “Tech the Bank”, with the aim to contribute to the development of a digital community in our country, cooperation of start-ups and banks, as well as to help the profiling of young programmers by awarding the best solutions in the field of digital banking, and potentially applying them in its operations.
“In the process of reshaping the banking sector with technological innovations, market players will have to make a decision whether they will be leaders in change, or they will be the ones following the change. We live in times of digital transformation which fosters new challenges every day and redefines market expectations and customer’s habits. This has been reflected in the fact that nowadays more than 1,800,000 transactions are carried out on a monthly level solely via digital platform of Banca Intesa, instead of coming to the branch. Banca Intesa Tech the Bank competition is tailored for all those who think outside the box, who have skills, know-how, creativity, and who can, with the support of the Bank, use their experiences to directly bring the user experience to a higher level, and thus contribute to establishing the banking for the new age“, said Darko Popović, president of Executive Board of Banca Intesa and member of the jury for the competition.

Find more details here.
