Pay at more than 9,000 stores around the country
You can use MasterCard Standard at more than 9,000 stores around the country. The deadline for settling the monthly obligation of 5% (of the total debt from the previous period) is the 10th of the month. Your obligations can be settled through the Banca Intesa electronic and mobile banking, standing order, payment at the counter of Banca Intesa or the counters of other banks and post offices.
The fee for paying in installments with an American Express® Blue credit card at the merchant's point of sale is calculated by installments and amounts to RSD 50.
The fee for payment in installments with the American Express® Blue credit card within the payment account at the merchant's point of sale is calculated in installments and amounts to RSD 50.
All users of the American Express® Blue credit card issued as part of the Intesa Hit Plus payment account will be charged RSD 40. All users of the American Express® Blue credit card issued as part of the Intesa Magnifica payment account are exempt from paying the fee.
- No membership fee with the Intesa Hit, Intesa Hit Plus and Magnifica current account packages
- Deferred payment without interest up to 45 days
- Buy online and at point of sale in instalments
- Set the desired number of instalments in agreement with the merchant
Settling credit card obligations
Your obligations can be settled through the Banca Intesa mobile and electronic banking, standing order, payment at the counter of Banca Intesa or the counters of other banks and post offices. As desired, it is possible to pay more than the minimum monthly amount (5% of the total instalment amount) or settle the debit amount completely.
Safety recommendations