Corner for planning and decorating the apartment

You have always dreamed of a dream house with a green lawn, or a large terrace, with a fireplace and a bright living room… and how to fulfill your wishes?


Buying a property is one of the most important life decisions and therefore it is of great importance to make a good choice and many pieces have to come together in some sort of emotional, aesthetic and financial mosaic, in order to meet all the conditions.

When choosing your home, the most important step is setting priorities and assessing the location, quality and value of the desired property, as well as assessing the financial requirements from the moment of purchase to furnishing and moving in.

It's not all about square footage...

It's not all about square footage...

... there's also something about functionality.

It is not the number of square meters that matters the most, but whether the apartment is organized in a smart way.


The key is to make your home comfortable and functional. Do not buy apartments that will make you feel uncomfortable at the first moment.

There are different types of comfort in the apartment, and the most important are thermal comfort, room illumination and ventilation. The orientation of the home relative to the sides of the world is very important, especially in small spaces, because it determines how sunny your apartment will be. Ideally, the apartment should be oriented to two sides of the world in order to have natural ventilation and to meet the need for an adequate amount of light coming inside.

We often have doubts about whether to buy an apartment in the old or new buildings, but if you are a fan of the attic or the last floors in the building, there is one thing they have in common – the roof. You must not underestimate its condition. It is mandatory to check whether there is a sloping roof or a flat slab above the desired apartment/house, whether there is a problem with insulation, leakage, etc.


What are the pros and cons of buying an apartment?

What are the pros and cons of buying an apartment?

If you decide to buy an apartment in an old building, be prepared for possible additional interventions and investments. The disadvantages are material deterioration, a handful of unnecessary corridors and poor functional organization of space, which require additional investments during adaptation and reconstruction, while the advantages are thicker walls that provide better thermal insulation, as well as high ceilings that create the impression that the space is more comfortable. Do not forget about the age and overall condition of the building in which the apartment is located, the functionality of elevators, fire protection and other elements that you consider important for your safety.

Buying a real estate in a new building

Buying a real estate in a new building

The advantages of new buildings, in addition to new materials and modern, well-equipped bathrooms, include the maximum utilization of space. Today, the interior design is based on open spaces, in which the kitchen, dining room and living room are in synergy, intended for socializing, and the bedrooms are large enough to accommodate everything that is necessary. If you are buying an apartment in a new building, it is sometimes possible to participate in designing the layout of the premises yourself, so ask if that’s possible in time.

If you decide to buy an apartment in a new building, one of the first things that should be done is to ask around about the investor, that is, the references of the contractor’s company.

On the website of the Business Registers Agency, you can check the date of establishment of the company, who are the founders, representatives and the like, and on the website of the National Bank of Serbia, you can check which accounts the company has opened and whether they were blocked at a certain point. Additional verification of investor can be carried out in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce through the Bureau of Creditworthiness, Register, Certification and Issuance of Documents.

This data is not a guarantee, but it is a good indicator for the buyer to see how serious the company is. Most of the participants in the real estate market recommend always buying from investors who have been in the business for a long time.

Financial aspect

Financial aspect

Investing in real estate has its advantages, which mostly concern those who buy their first apartment, so they can also count on certain tax benefits and VAT refunds. Also, monthly rents for renting an apartment are now quite unfavorable, which at the moment all goes in favor of investing in this type of investment.

The bank is a reliable partner who provides a quality advisory service, and will also help you in choosing the best home loan model for you and facilitate the process until its approval. Instead of jumping quickly and blindly into buying a property, take your time, educate yourself, and responsibly enjoy the buying process…

How do you know if the price is realistic?

How do you know if the price is realistic?

The prices of sold real estate can be found in the Property Price Register – official public electronic records on the real estate market for all municipalities in Serbia, accessible to all citizens, which can be found on the official website of the Republic Geodetic Authority (RGZ).

By inspecting this electronic database, you can check the prices of recently sold real estate in your desired location (city, municipality, street), bearing in mind that this electronic database is always up to date, and compare them with the price of the real estate you are interested in.



Read interesting tips on how you can arrange your home and make better use of the space, and if you need extra money for that, a cash loan is available to you under special conditions for users of Banca Intesa housing loans.

Ask your advisor for more detailed information.
