Universal loan calculator

Calculator of the impact of the assumed change in the nominal interest rate and / or the dinar exchange rate.

Loan amount

Interest rate


Tenor 0
0 Months 0 Months

Fixed part of interest rate

Variable part of interest rate


Nominal interest rate This parameter is the sum of New Fixed InterestRate and first Fixed Interest Rate


Middle exchange rate


Installment from which variable part of interest rate changes

Tenor 19
0 Months 0 Months

New value of variable part of interest rate

New value of nominal interest rate This parameter is the sum of New Fixed Interest Rate and first Fixed Interest Rate


Installment from which middle exchange rate changes

Tenor 19
0 Months 0 Months

New value of middle exchange rate

  • Results
    • Monthly installment EUR - EUR
    • Monthly installment RSD - EUR
    • New value of monthly installment after change of middle exchange rate - EUR
    • New value of monthly installment after change of variable part of nominal interest rate - EUR
    • New value of monthly installment after change of variable part of nominal interest rate in RSD - EUR
    • New value of monthly installment after joint change of variable part of nominal interest rate and middle exchange rate - EUR
    • Total amount to repay - EUR
    • Total amount to repay in RSD - EUR

The calculator is of an informative nature and is a guide for roughly calculating the effects of changes in exchange rates and / or the value of the variable part of the interest rate according to the proportional calculation method, in accordance with item 12b. Decisions on the conditions and manner of calculating the effective interest rate and the appearance and content of the forms delivered to the user. Minor deviations due to rounding are possible. For an official offer from Banca Intesa, contact an advisor at the nearest branch.
