Payment processing and fiscal device


Striving to always give you more and support you whenever you need, we and our partners have developed new, all-in-one (payment and fiscal) device for payment cards accepting, which can also be used to issue fiscal receipts which are in compliance with the new Law on Fiscalization. 

There are two models available:

There are two models available:

„all in one“ device, Saturn 1000, features acceptance of payment cards and instant payments, including an option to activate fiscal service of fiscal operators HCP or 2DSoft on the same device. 

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Offer of external partners in collaboration with

Offer of external partners in collaboration with

Devices of telecommunication and fiscal partners, which would also allow for payment card accepting and instant payment, through the Bank, as the processor: 

Fiscal operator: 

    Galeb, on N910 PRO device 

Telecommunication operators: 

  • Yettel, on N910 PRO device 
  • Telekom, on N910 PRO device
What are the benefits of the device?
Saves money
Receive the device without additional fees if your turnover is higher than 100.000 RSD and you purchase Android terminal through our Bank
Saves time
Faster payments, receipt issuance and cards accepting in one transaction
Two new applications
For payment cards and instant payment accepting.
Possibility of installing new applications in the future.
You can use the device anywhere in your store, the customer does not have to go to the cash register.
Improved service
By using this device you give your customers a better payment experience.
Better communication
Both WiFi and GPRS.

How to get a device?

You can send a request for any of the proposed models of cooperation by completing the contact form below or by sending an email to Also, feel free to contact us for any additional information and explanations that you may need.

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