Loans for working capital

Finance procurement of raw and other materials

Loans for working capital

Finance purchase of your working capital and basic assets

Revolving loan

React quickly and efficiently to every day changes in your environment

Type of loans

Choose the one that suits best to your needs.

Biz Obrt

Loan for financing working capital.
  • Maximum loan repayment period
  • You can realize the loan with a grace period of up to 6 months
  • Pay the loan in equal monthly instalments or annuities
biz obrt banca intesa kredit za mali biznis za nabavku obrtnih sredstava

Biz Obrt

Loan for financing working capital.
  • Maximum loan repayment period
  • You can realize the loan with a grace period of up to 6 months
  • Pay the loan in equal monthly instalments or annuities
biz obrt banca intesa kredit za mali biznis za nabavku obrtnih sredstava

Biz Line

Revolving credit line available to small businesses.
  • Quickly react to changes and maintain business stability
  • Efficient business with unique and flexible security instruments
  • Approved assets are at your disposal within a short period
biz linija banca intesa kredit za mali biznis revolving jednostavna sredstva obezbedjenja

Biz Minus

Overdraft offer for your company.
  • Approved assets are at your disposal within a short period
  • Maximum loan repayment period
banca intesa biz minus dozvoljeno prekoracenje minus na racunu firme kredit za mali biznis

Revolving loan

React quickly and in due time.
  • Maximum loan repayment period
  • Option of flexible loan repayment with a longer deadline
  • Approved assets are at your disposal within a short period
banca intesa kredit za mali biznis revolving linija za nabavku obrtnih sredstava