Loan for women in business

Start your business

favorable interest rate

Favourable loan conditions

Digital banking without a fee

BizOnline and BizMobi services without a fee for the first 6 months

Lower fees

Lower fees according to payment transactions

EBRD support program

Banca Intesa is the first bank in Serbia which accessed the regional "Women in Business" program created by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development with the aim to support women entrepreneurship in the countries of West Balkans. The program is funded by the EBRD, Luxembourg, and Sweden.

loans for businesswomen benefits banca intesa
Additional benefits
  • More favourable overdraft terms for the company's current account
  • Lower fees according to payment transactions
  • Using an in-house software solution for the electronic banking service without a fee, for a period of 6 months (the deadline is defined in reference to the moment of activation)
  • Using a BizMobi software solution for the mobile banking service without a fee, for a period of 6 months (the deadline is defined in reference of the moment of activation)