Banca Intesa Beograd, starting from Monday, November 10th 2003, is presenting a new service – buying pre-paid vouchers for 063 Mobtel on its ATMs and outlets.

Banca Intesa Beograd, starting from Monday, November 10th 2003, is presenting a new service – buying pre-paid vouchers for 063 Mobtel on its ATMs and outlets.

Buying on ATMs
All users of MasterCard and Maestro Cards of Banca Intesa Beograd can buy vouchers for pre-paid filling up, on 50 ATMs of the Bank all over Serbia, out of which 20 are in Belgrade. In co-operation between Banca Intesa Beograd and Astra Simit, first service of this kind in the country has been realised.  This way, users of Banca Intesa Beograd cards and 063 pre-paid network can buy vouchers 24 hours a day on the official Mobtel prices increased for 1% cost charge, which are: CSD 222,50; CSD 555,50; CSD 1.111,00; which are more favourable prices than on other places. Both sides wished to provide higher level of services using modern technologies.  Owners of Banca Intesa Beograd’s cards have one more privilege, which applies that cards of Banca Intesa Beograd have higher value for their holders and confirms that they are the best product of its kind on the market.
Affirmation of this totally new service on the market is followed by the fact that Banca Intesa Beograd has the largest net of ATMs in the Republic which is constantly spreading.
Users of Banca Intesa Beograd’s cards, after signing in on ATM, next to the standard options on the Menu Bar can choose one more option: fill in pre-paid account with Mobtel, after which chooses one of 3 amounts: CSD 222,50; CSD 555,50; CSD 1.111,00.
Choosing one of these 3 amounts, funds on the users account are being decreased and the ATM is printing instructions with the fill in code.
Buying in the Outlets
Besides buying through ATM fill in vouchers can be bought by all citizens in the 150 outlets of Banca Intesa Beograd. This way, citizens are getting 200 new selling places in Belgrade and all over Serbia, on which next to the executing banking services can buy fill in vouchers for pre-paid network of Mobtel.
Every citizen, whishing to buy fill in voucher this way, pays in wished amount and gets PIN (protected) envelope, containing secret cod.

Buying on ATMs
All users of MasterCard and Maestro Cards of Banca Intesa Beograd can buy vouchers for pre-paid filling up, on 50 ATMs of the Bank all over Serbia, out of which 20 are in Belgrade. In co-operation between Banca Intesa Beograd and Astra Simit, first service of this kind in the country has been realised.  This way, users of Banca Intesa Beograd cards and 063 pre-paid network can buy vouchers 24 hours a day on the official Mobtel prices increased for 1% cost charge, which are: CSD 222,50; CSD 555,50; CSD 1.111,00; which are more favourable prices than on other places. Both sides wished to provide higher level of services using modern technologies.  Owners of Banca Intesa Beograd’s cards have one more privilege, which applies that cards of Banca Intesa Beograd have higher value for their holders and confirms that they are the best product of its kind on the market.
Affirmation of this totally new service on the market is followed by the fact that Banca Intesa Beograd has the largest net of ATMs in the Republic which is constantly spreading.
Users of Banca Intesa Beograd’s cards, after signing in on ATM, next to the standard options on the Menu Bar can choose one more option: fill in pre-paid account with Mobtel, after which chooses one of 3 amounts: CSD 222,50; CSD 555,50; CSD 1.111,00.
Choosing one of these 3 amounts, funds on the users account are being decreased and the ATM is printing instructions with the fill in code.
Buying in the Outlets
Besides buying through ATM fill in vouchers can be bought by all citizens in the 150 outlets of Banca Intesa Beograd. This way, citizens are getting 200 new selling places in Belgrade and all over Serbia, on which next to the executing banking services can buy fill in vouchers for pre-paid network of Mobtel.
Every citizen, whishing to buy fill in voucher this way, pays in wished amount and gets PIN (protected) envelope, containing secret cod.
